Cozy Fall Coffee Shops: Virtual coffee

  The fall season in second life is the best. Pumpkin lattes, muffins, cakes, and so many delicious treats. I love to visit Second life coffee shops for relaxing and studying. Some people might say it’s strange, but I find it comforting to have it in the background. During Covid, going to a coffee shop is a risky business. So I can visit a second-life coffee shop in the Safety of my own home. The photo I took is at Burrows Coffee shop; the scenery is so beautiful. I highly recommend visiting a virtual coffee shop just to be around others and relax. You will find that the environment is quite really realistic. Get on your warm sweater and snuggle by the Fireplace. Maybe I’ll run into you:)

Outfit Credits: 


 Sweater: Pixicat, cardigan, cream 

 Balaclava, nerdy glasses tortoiseshell

 Cae, Basics Solitaire

 ISO,  Livie Jeans, black 



Hair: Stealthic - Mayhem 

Head - Logo Chelsea

Here is a video of some of my current favorite virtual coffee shops in second life.